Nausea is keeping me from doing much now a days, such as blogging. I survive with the help of Piggelin popsicles - the only thing that seem to help, momentarily.
You give up a lot of things when you're a mother (to be). Such as birthdays.
My 33d birthday came and went. I spent it locked in our rental car in Rome, with the aircondition on full blast. Wifey wanted to see the Colosseum. Baby wanted to see the celing of the car and the inside of my eyelids. Baby won.
Besides being over heated, hungry, nauseous, exhausted, terrified that the cramps in my lower abdomen was an early sign of misscarriage, I still had the best birthday ever.
Married to the love of my life, pregnant and not having to show up for work. What more could one wish for?
Still, never go on vacation when you're newly pregnant. It's a total waste of money. All you manage to do is lay in bed and cry, wish you were home and could eat what you're craving, and obsess about misscarriages.
I was so miserable wifey started to remind me daily we were in Italy - not a third world country. Then she discovered a scorpion the size of a plum on our livingroom wall and agreed we should def. go home early.
We celebrated my birthday last night instead. I got a semi free pass from nausea most of the evening.
Wifey took me out for carrot cake and an authors night with Erica Jong. I dressed up, almost forgot I was nauseous and miserable and had a lovely, happy, evening.
Wifey also got me a Marimekko Pitekemäkko. A striped night gown I fell in love with on the ferry to Finland in my youth and dreamed I would sport as and old, rich, pregnant woman. ( In those days I imagine you needed to be rich to pay that much for a night gown. Now that I'm older and wiser, I know it's just about marrying the right woman).
And since wifey makes all my dreams come true, she took out her Ipod GPS and navigated to the Marimekko store.
So you see, I got all I wished for and more. I read (on the internet, where else?) that it can be difficult to be happy about your pregnancy when you're in the first trimester, tired, cranky and nauseous. Amen!
But sometimes, with a popsicle shoved in my mouth, and wifey rubbing my back, I'm the happiest I've ever been.