Yes, Baby was a boy. And today he turns 4 months.
Blogging has not been possible so far, but I am thrilled to see that my blog is still being read.
The birth was just one big, hospitalized, medically induced nightmare. The hospital has later appologized for uneccesarily medically forcing my birth. But what is an appology to the trauma our family suffered. The hospital machinery will surely go on, chewing people up and spitting them out with no consideration.
If you feel the least bit inclined to have a home birth (in Sweden), please do not make my mistake and think you can have a "home birth in hospital" in this country. You can't. They will do what they do, with no regard to your wishes and threathen w your baby not being well to get their way.
Baby was excellent all through the 3 days of labour, but hospital staff kept telling us he might not be to get to do their medical interventions.
Why, I will never know. Since Baby was in excellent health all the time, there seems to be no reason for their actions what so ever.
Perhaps they just needed the room for another patient and wanted to speed things up.
Maybe one day I will share my birth story. But for now the trauma is still too overwhelming.
I leave you instead with a song for the miracle that is my happy, healthy, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful baby boy.