torsdag 1 november 2012

Back To The Salt Mines

Just relized that I start working again tomorrow morning at 8 o clock. I have, ofcourse, known this inevitable fact for quite some time, but have focused on other things; planning christmas, baking, planning trips, baby J, stick tricks etc.

I don't know how I will survive being without my precious baby 3 days/week. But somehow I will have to.


It's not even 2 month's until christmas holidays. I'll do as the alcoholics and take one day at a time.

As for the no. 2 project we have decided to wait for another cycle.

Our Danish midwife said she thought I couldn't get pregnant because my cycles were too short.
And yes, my cycles have been short (16 days) but they are getting longer, and this past cycle (when we got at pos. ovulationtest) was 21 days. Which, admittedly, is short, but within normal range. I got the pos. test on day 12, which gives a 9 day luteal phase which is completely normal and enough for an egg to implant.
The thing is I just KNEW this cycle would be "normal" eventhough the one before that was a short one (and perhaps without ovulation).
The depressing Dane (not refering to Hamlet) said any cycle under 24 days is not long enough. Which isn't true. Just google, woman!

I just knew this past cycle was a normal one with ovulation. But I didn't have any statistics to prove this since it was the first normal cycle since before baby J.
I just had my body and my intuition telling me it was.
And trusting a womans body and intuition in modern day medicin? BAHAHAHAHAHA! It will not happen people.
The body is viewed as a machine and the medical professionals as it's drivers. The women themselves merely passengers or by standers.

Our Swedish midwife says we can pregnant. She said that even before this past "normal" cycle.
I tend to trust our Swedish one since she actually knows us. The Danish one has met us twice and only talked to us on the phone since baby J.

And anyway, the Dane was the one who was very pessimistic and said we had the timing all wrong when we got pregnant w baby J.
I chose then to trust my instinct and not her statistics. And I got pregnant.

This time I choose to trust my instincts, my body, our Swe midwife and scientific facts over the opinions of our Dane midwife.

My cycles ARE long enough (and I think this next one will be even longer, 23-24 days), I got a pos. ovulation test on the same day in the cycle as before and my periods are getting back to normal.
I will not stop nursing as the Dane suggested, we will not take hormone tests and we will get pregnant.

That's our game plan.

I am so sick of this attitude of always expecting everything to go wrong. To look for complications and problems and always - without doubt - disregard my own knowledge, relationship and feel for my body.

The reason we will wait another cycle has thus NOTHING to do with the neg. Dane, but the fact that if we would get pregnant this upcoming cycle, I would not be able to go to Italy for pollen season. I would be too pregnant to be able to fly.

So we're waiting. But still checking for ovulation of course. I'm guessing it will show up on cycle day 12-14.