But also what I think of when I think of Russia.
I haven't blogged for quite a while and pretty much expected the statistics for my blog resembling those flat lines that you see in hospital series when someone dies.
But, I had a bunch of surfers/possibly readers, from Russia visiting my blog lately.
And I do think of Russia. How close, how far away.
How I sit here, in the last week/s of pregnancy. With my family sleeping peacfully in the other room. Balcony door open out into the dark September night. Air sweet and fresh after the rain that just washed the streets and buildings clean.
And so close, just across the sea, a different reality. Where the state itself would hunt us and steal our children from us. Persecute us. Perhaps even murder us.
And how this madness can be allowed without the entire world speaking up and defending the basic human rights that are being violated is beyond me.
Russia, if you read me; I think of you. And I hope that this horrific nightmare will come to an end sooner than later. Love will conquer all. It must. It has no choice.