Wifey has bought the film Birth Story from Itunes and we're going to see it tonight. If toddler J is willing to go to sleep at a resonable hour.
It's a documentary about the midwife Ina May Gaskin and the natural childbirth movement that started in the US in the 70s.
It is just what we need to get back on track after the ultrasound.
Wifey actually cried after the ultrasound. Neither of us was comfortable doing it. I think it was the whole context of the situation, besides the actual ultrasound.
Again, we were in a medical setting, wanting one thing that is very much against the norm, and being viewed as crazy people. Again, we had to explain ourselves. Defend our choices.
I didn't even bother to recite any of the research, though I would have if the midwife had questioned us.
Now, we were just viewed as weird.
And you know what, I can deal w that. Knowing that I do what is best for my child.
I couldn't care less.
It's like all those people who told me to stop breastfeeding, pushed formula, or gave me crappy advice that easily could have led to an end to mine and baby Js nursing.
They can say what they want.
Then can think I'm an insane person that still nurse my 2 year old on demand.
(And let me tell you, his demand of playing w his cars/busses/tractors/legos usually wins out over the nursing demand).
But, what I have is a healthy, happy, smart, calm and secure little man who sleeps through the night and bounces back remarkably quick the few times he gets a cold/fever.
So I'm very happy w the decision to solder on w the nursing, even when it was difficult.
And I'm not happy about having to do an ultrasound and disturbe Rose Bud in her little nest. But if 5 min of discomfort for her will be the key to a safe, calm and beautiful birth, then it has to be worth it.
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