Baby is here! A wonderful, amazing, exhausting, intense homebirth later. From 5 cm to a baby born with her hands on her head in 1 hr and 15 min.
I will never again have to worry that my body is not able to labour fast enough or have powerful enough contractions. What ever they told me last time at the hospital to justify their interventions has obviously NOTHING to do with the way my body works when birthing a child.
Yes, it was painful, yes I felt like I'd been in the ring with that Russian guy from Rocky IV afterwards. But my God what an amazing experience!!!
I gave birth to my baby. I felt like super mother nature afterwards. And for days have just been high on hormones, love and the power of child birth.
When I looked in the mirror afterwards. I saw myself again for the first time since that last birth.
The trauma of that hospital birth took everything from me. But now I have regained it ten fold.
What a beautiful October day it was. Such a beautiful, beautiful birthing of my amazing baby.
Like one of our midwives said later, you need a new birth to heal a traumatic birth.
And I did.
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