... is feeling a bit hungry, and be able to load up a plate with brussel sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, mashed potatoes, gravy and turkey. Pop it in the microwave and eat it, looking out over the winter landscape.
I've always loved vegetables, but now we have a love affaire going that almost makes me teary eyed when I can load a plate with all the colors of the rainbow.
I have a craving for red peppers. But also a conflict. The organic peppers always taste of mold, and the non organic are one of the most heavily toxic vegetables. Actually Swedish health care don't recommend small children to eat peppers due to high amount of pesticides.
Why can't we just take care of our selves, each other and the planet and have normal food in the stores?
We have a ton of dishes and cleaning up to do. But, as I often remind wifey, relaxing is as important as getting things done.

I'm reading Ina May Gaskin's Guide to childbirth. It is both very comforting and distressing. Comforting in it's way to view childbirth. Distressing in knowing that this is not the way hospital births are encouraged. I get wild fantasies of barring the door to the delivery room with furniture to get to birth my baby uninterrupted, uninhibited and natural.
But, I am going to give them a fair chance. After the next visit to our midwife she's going to send a referral to the hospital so we can go visit and talk to the head midwife.
I would love the birth of our baby to be something to look forward to. Not something to dread and have nightmares about. How unlikely it seems that an entire baby can pass through your body. Still it apparently is a very successful mechanism considering how many people inhabit the planet.
Ina May on the success rate of their natural child birth apporach;
"And the more things you do that are right, the more synergic they become. Each may seem small to someone looking for a magic bullet. What? - Turn birth over to women? Feed them? Just let them sleep? Wait for them to go into labour? Don't scare them? Yet the combination of these simple protocols produces a gestalt that leads to relaxed, happy, enthusiastic mothers and healthy babies".