Being a pregnant lady means nothing is allowed to stand between you and food. Thus I´m up before everyone else, enjoying a first breakfast. I suppose I will also enjoy a second breakfast after all of our guests that spent the night and wifey is up and about.
We had the most amazing dinner last night. I think wifey should open a turkey restaurant.
It is interesting how you pile up your plate and think; my God, how will I ever be able to eat all that? And then somehow you still go for seconds.
We were two preggos at the party last night, and after dinner we each took a couch and sprawled out. And since you´re pregnant, no one can say anything about it.
It was also nice to be able to walk around in regular clothes, and not hide behind huge cardigans. Ok , regular and regular, I got me some maternity tights and a skirt. But it was a liberating feeling to be among people who all knew why I look like I ate too much, even before dinner began.
I told my boss at work I´m pregnant. Recent events made me realize it doesn´t matter much either way. And I want to protect myself from getting tangled up in more misunderstandings and hostilities from management.
But I still don´t want to share it with all my co-workers.
One reason is I don´t need to hear all their horror stories of birth, another is I don´t feel up to educate heteroville on how come a lesbo can get pregnant.
Also, I don´t have personal relationships with most of the people at work. And being pregnant feels so private. It´s something for me and wifey to share with the ones close to us. I don´t want the rest of the world in on it. Not yet.
After the Christmas holidays it will probably be pretty obvious anyways. Until then baby is my little secret.
Oh well, now that I had my hot chocolate (I know the milk is good for the baby, but my sugar intake must have increased with 10 000 % since I started this dietary change) and my vörtbröd I might go back to bed for a nap. Pregnant ladies can do that you know. Go take a nap, in spite of having guests to entertain.
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