... I don't know about the rest of the world, but here in Sweden there apparently is a blog list going around. A list of one post-a-day-topics to blog about. It is usually quite personal topics; describe yourself, your family, your first love etc. I've kept this blog semi anonymous.
I wanted to focus on is the lesbian baby making experience, not all the other parts of my life and self.
So I thought I'd make my own blog list concerning lesbian baby making. This is ofcourse because I am home sick from work and have time on my hand. I have time to nestle into my blankets, ponder that I seemed to have injured my hand squeezing too many oranges, put the laptop a safe distance from my baby bump (something about harmful radiation from laptops I read about in one of my fertiliy books) and blog away. Don't expect this diligence on an everyday basis.
If any of you readers have suggestions of topics, please feel free to add via comments!
*Chosing a Donor
*Starting a (lesbian) family
*Preganancy; tears, fears and joy
*Lesbo mamas reading tips
*What I dream of for our child
*What kind of world are we living in
*2 mamas; the "other mother"?
*What about men?
Unlike the blog lists I've seen, I probably won't blog one post a day, and I will most certainly mix it in with other blog post and random thoughts. I have a short attention span.
Speaking of, the snowfall outside my window is amazingly beautiful. Despite the odd exceptions (work drama, family conflicts, living in a tiny appartment) I am so happy and thankful.
Life without nausea and misscarriage terror is a brand new world. I'm finally starting to feel REALLY happy about the pregancy.
I was always happy you know, but perhaps on a more cognitive level. Like you KNOW you're happy, you are just too tired and nauseous to actually have energy to experience the emotion.
I've started to feel more like my old self again. The predominant feeling is no longer that I want to crawl away and die, but that I'd love to go to NYC to see NYC ballet again before baby arrives. I want to go skiing, I want to fix up our tiny home, I want to clear out all the clutter, I want to go to concerts, have fun, be active again.
I'm starting to realize that perhaps this just wasn't too easy and will of course end in a miscarriage. But that this strange journey will end up with us holding our very own little baby.
I´d love to read more about why you chose to go to Denmark and how the system works so differently in the two countries. I don´t know much about it, but from what you´ve told me it seems like they are?).
SvaraRaderaBecause I know you, I want to read everything about YOU, of course ;), but just so you know it, everything you write I read thoroughly and think a lot about. You´re amazing!
Kram Johanna
Thank you Jo! I will make it my very first topic blog post! I think I shall name it Sweden vs Denmark, Sisterly love?
SvaraRaderaYOU are amazing too! Sorry I didn't get to see you tonight, the cold is still hanging on and I am exhausted. Hope you all had fun!
Hello. My name is Karana. I just found out your blog today. It seems very beautiful of you. We are living in Sweden now. We thought this land would be perfect for our life which wanted to be a mothers of our future baby. But i guess it's little bit different than we thought but we won't give up. We decided to have a baby since we engaged but it is illegal in our homeland thats why we are here now. We did everything to be together. We had fight even we could give our lives... Even we want to have a baby we just don't know what should do... There are 3 ways... Sperm, Donor and 3 rd way of baby. We know first and second is not gonna work us so we had choose the 3rd one. We know it will be really hard for us but at last, our dreams will come true... If you have any suggestion for us, please help us... We need a help right now.
SvaraRaderaHello Karana,
SvaraRaderaI saw your comment just now.
I am not sure what you mean by "3d way of baby". If you want to have a donor child here in Sweden go to your local doctors office (vårdcentral) or maternity clinic (mödravårdscentral) and ask for a referral for this. They will help you and your financé get started with the process.
It will not cost you more than a regular doctors appointment.
Depending on where in Sweden you live, the regulations and the waiting period differs somewhat.
Congratulations on the engagement and good luck with the baby! I hope you will become mothers very soon!