Remember the extreme tiredness from pregnancy #1?
It's back! With an extra side order of toddler intensity.
As I promised, both myself, wifey, Toddler J and my midwife, I would take better care of myself this pregnancy. Meaning going on sick leave when too tired to work.
Oh, the anxiety. Martin Luther (the old one, not Dr King)is rolling over in his hard working grave.
Besides asthma, allergies and being low in iron, I can now add an underactive thyroid to the list of possible fatigue causers.
My best bet is asthma and allergies, since I was this exhausted last pregnancy too, without the thyroid going crazy.
I felt better towards the end, which my asthma doctor later told me was very common when it came to pregnancy and asthma.
So here I am. Barley in week 12 and on sick leave.
I feel relieved to not have to sit at work and take care of other people while just wanting to die myself from feeling exhausted, nauseous and stressed out.
I feel guilty for being on sick leave and not working to support myself like a proper person.
But, as I tell my patients daily, anxiety will pass in time.
Now I will take a well needed nap while Toddler J is out in the sun w grandma.
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