...when you just can't go back to sleep at 5.30 in the morning because you just HAVE to EAT.
2 rye bread sandwiches w cheese (yes, I can eat cheese this time)later I feel more like a human being and less like a black hole ready to implode of hunger.
As for the nausea. If it's anything like the last time; just 3-4 more weeks to go! (Yes I know it might seem like a lot, but it is a WHOLE lot better than having 8 weeks to go!)
Besides being able to eat cheese, the biggest difference this pregnancy is that I'm still nursing toddler J. It is not as uncomplicated as I thought it would be.
The nausea and over all pregnancy sensitivity makes nursing pretty miserable for mama. As for toddler J; the more I pull back, the more desperately he wants to nurse.
Of course, it could be a normal increase, due to us spending more time apart when I work etc. Had I not been nauseous and miserable I might not have given it a second thought.
I still let him nurse, of course. But try to distract him with other things when possible. Hopefully it will feel better once the nausea settles.
Ok. Gotta go. Toddler J is pulling at my leg and calling for attention.
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