1. Stay awake
2. Button my jeans, or any pants for that matter. I do the rubber-band trick
3. Eat less than 2 hrs apart, unless I want my old friend nausea to pop back up
4. Get any work done at work
5. Get anything at all done at home (when did I last do laundry? Before the wedding?)
6. Phantom how I will ever get an actual baby out of my body
7. Remember why I thought it was an excellent idea to put it in there to begin with
8. Physical activity without breaking a sweat/get a pulse/ feel faint after a nano second
9. Have weekend plans, I will only cancel and end up in bed napping anyways, might as well accept it
10. Write an actual text in my blogg. Fatigue makes me retreat to lists.
Things I still remember;
1. Love wifey
2. Love baby
3. Tomorrow is Friday = weekend = sleep!
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