It is nice to excell at something I suppose, even if it is just napping. Yesterday I broke my all time record with a 5 (F-I-V-E) hr afternoon nap. Still managed to get in a good 9 hrs sleep last night.
My blood pressure is still too high and I will have to continue to go on check ups. To be honest, I got some good rest but then had 2 nights of bad sleep and then wifey and I had a busy Sunday; cleaning the house, doing laundry, grocery shopping, sorting through baby clothes and cooking food for the freezer for after Babys arrival. I was so swollen and exhausted. So perhaps no surprise my blood pressure was not lower by Monday morning.
I was so tired at the midwifes office I could hardly talk. Then I went home and took my 5 hr nap.
After this, wifey and I have made some adjustments. Wifey sleeps in the livingroom so I won't get disturbed. I have the whole bed to myself and wake up in all sorts of weird positions. Obviously I move a lot while sleeping. Up-side-down is the only position I haven't woken up in, yet.
Wifey also has started to work from home to be here to make me feel better and to wait on me.
Yes I know. Marrying her is the best thing I've ever done. It does makes me more relaxed to have her around. Even if I'm constantly falling asleep.
I'm getting weary of obsessing about preeclampsia. Que sera, sera I say.
We have good health care in this country, if I would develop full blown preeclampsia and Baby has to be induced/ have an emergency c-section, at least she is big enough to be fine.
In just a couple of days she won't even be considered pre-term.
I will just keep on resting and napping and see what happens w the blood pressure. If my body wants to sleep, sleep is what it gets.
I found something quite curious though; I usually sleep for 4 hr periods, then I wake up for a short period, but have no trouble going back to sleep. I wonder if this is in any way linked to Babys sleep schedule? Will be interesting to see once she has arrived.
We talk about things after Baby's arrival; like when to have the Christening etc. Sometimes when we plan away I get all cold inside and think; what if something happens? What if Baby won't make it?
I have clearly developed an anxiety disorder since beginning w this baby business.
But perhaps it's just normal worry.
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