According to one of the zillion internet pages that gives you weekly pregnancy updates, Baby should drop soon.
The dropping should feel like, I quote, "having a coconut between your legs".
Doesn't sound very comfy, does it?
At the midwife appointments Baby has always been with her head downwards, though with her back alternatley left and right. Since she's not fixated yet, I suppose she could still turn on us and go breach. However, I have a feeling she won't.
I also have a feeling she will not come early, but stay put for atleast 4-5 more weeks. It might be wishful thinking more than intuition; I'm just desperate for some more sleeping in before she actually enters the scene.
Last week I had a bunch of weird sensations, I was unsure if perhaps I was leaking amnionic fluids and if my pelvic pains might have been early contractions. Wifey called the hospital and I had to answer a long row of questions from a very serious sounding midwife.
She asked solemnly if I had felt the baby move the past 24 hrs, adding that it can be very difficult to feel the baby this far along in the pregnancy. I think she added this to comfort me, incase I couldn't feel Baby.
But before the lady finished her questions, Baby managed the trick of kicking me in 2 places at the same time and do a mini hick-up session.
So glad I don't have to worry about that.
I felt rather silly about the whole conversation, I wasn't really worried. But did it since wifey wanted to do the "better safe than sorry" routin. I wasn't expected to be taken so seriously at the hospital.
But oh well, I actually am in week 35+1. This is perhaps the time to be taken seriously. And of course I am grateful they take you seriously rather than brush you aside as the hysterical person you feel like.
I also think I was a bit spooked about the last visit at the doctor's where he asked me in detail about my early contractions and saying things like "as long as your cervic isn't starting to open up".
However, from reading all my lovely natural childbirth/home birth blogs and web sites, I've come to understand that your cervic can actually open and stay open a couple of cm for weeks before you go into actual labor.
So I've quit obsessing about that one.
I am huge, but actually don't feel as uncomfortable as I thought I would this far along in pregnancy. I don't have a problem breathing or keeping food down, as I've heard other mothers-to-be complain about. Finally it pays off to have a long torso!
I actually manage to take a walk in the country side yesterday w wifey. My pelvis ligaments were super sensitive the rest of the day, but it was worth it!
The pollen is starting to bloom now, so it might have been my last enjoyable fresh-air walk for some time.
I'm still a bit reluctant about eating anti-histamines while pregnant. The research is so poorly and you don't really know how it affects the baby (surprise!).
But I will go with the general guidelines I suppose and eat it to keep my astma in check. I am still glad that Baby is basically fully grown and not a tiny embryo now that I'm gonna bombard her with meds.
It might not be worse than all the crap I subjected her to this past weekend. We celebrated wifeys birthday with her relatives, and started early on the Easter candy.
Hope all that sugar, artificial coloring and preservatives haven't left Baby with permanent brain damage.

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