Well, all that resting payed off, blood pressure was a bit lower (130/80) at yesterdays check up. However; enter from the left; blood sugar!
I've had excellent blood sugar all through pregnancy (around 4, w the upper limit of 9)and thought; well at least I don't have to worry about gestational diabetes.
Now all of the sudden I tested 9!!! The midwife was in disbelief and re-tested me; 9.8!
Ok. Sure, why not. Let's go down that road too. I'm such a regular at the maternity care by now, so let's throw something new into the mix.
Now I have to do the diabetes screening Monday morning; the one where you fast before and then drink some hideous sugary-solution and sit in the waiting room for 2 hrs before they test your sugar levels again.
I'm getting a bit tired of this... Does everyone have all these complications in pregnancy, or is it just my body that is lousy at being pregnant?
I try not to think about it too much. Baby will be here in just a few weeks at the most, and even IF my bloodsugar would go crazy now at the end, at least it's been great for most of the pregnancy.
I just want to enjoy these last few days/weeks of carrying Baby, without being worried and anxious all the time.
It could just be a one time thing I suppose, perhaps my blood sugar is fine. I'll try not to worry until I know for sure on Monday.
Oh det där testet verkar så jobbigt... måste du verkligen göra det? Trist att det är så mycket strul hela tiden, bara för det så får du säkert en jättebra förlossning, det har du förtjänat!
SvaraRaderakram Anna
Ja men eller hur? Man ska gå upp skittidigt, och dricka äcklig sockerlösning och sitta i väntrummet i 2 timmar och glo... Blä! Det är ju ändå bara några veckor (dagar?) kvar. Försöker tänka att allt ändå varit toppen med blodsockert hitills, så det är inget bebisen farit illa av, även om det skulle vara dåligt nu på slutet. 3 v kan man ju ändå stå ut med diabetes-kost, om det skulle behövas.
Jag hoppas också på en fin födsel, börjar bli lite spännande, hon kan ju faktiskt komma när som helst nu!