No luck w home pregnancy test this morning. Could of course mean nothing, as it is way too early to test and get a resonable reliable test result.
Still feel utterly depressed. Summer seems to have come to an end. The fields are turning brown. Wifey says there's plenty of summer left. That the fields are brown because we've been without rain, and that I'm depressed and cranky because I have mood swings and am pregnant.
I remember the last time I took a pregnancy test (must be 10 yrs ago). I was so relieved it was negative I cried. How ironic life is.
This time I went back to bed and slept for 4 hrs. Didn't make me feel better. Nothing makes me feel better. I'm so cranky I just want to quit my job and sit on a deserted island and throw rocks at anything that moves.
Also woke up last night in the middle of the night w throbbing pain in my right breast. Never felt anything like it before. Since I decided I'm def. NOT pregnant, it must be cancer.
I'm taking my bad tempered self off to bed. I'm on call on work tomorrow. God help the patients.
I love your "captiness logg, star date CD21"!!!