I'm stuck at work being on call. 8-5 every single day the entire Pride week. Every one else is off (are they all closeted and at Pride without me?).
Will however go to the park w wifey and some friends tomorrow night.
Am trying very hard to distract myself and keep from taking 2 pregnancy-test/day.
This might be the first year in quite a while where I skip doing the parade to stay at home and pee on sticks instead.
Oh, what glamourous life I do lead.
My friend, who's trying for her 2nd child, says that being sick of work and having an insatiable need for napping and eating DEF. means one is pregnant.
But I have a feeling I was pretty much like that before we went to Denmark too. The moodswings and bad morning temper, storming off without saying a proper goodbye to wifey due to snoozing w the alarm clock for 45 mins, also rings a bell.
I'm probably not pregnant. I just wish I could find out NOW, why does one have to wait... It's torture.
This is a list of things I'm going to enjoy if I'm not pregnant;
The biggest café latte known to mankind
A cold Budweiser
At least 3 glasses of champagne
It's good to have something to look forward too. Just in case.
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