...is getting closer by the minute. Due to endless colds (wifey and I) and teething (baby J), a lot of the christmas shopping is yet to be done.
Sunday is the 4th of advent, Lucia has come and gone. Wifey, I and baby J are going to fight our way through the stores on Sunday to do some shopping. Hopefully baby J won't remember what we buy him by Christmas Eve.
Also the shopping will be brief, since living on maternity leave is like living on student loans. Except that you need to repay your student loans at the same time, and have lots of baby expenses. I read in the paper that Christmas shopping was down 15% this year. Possibly due to my maternity leave.
Atleast the freezer is full of lussekatter (Swe. christmas buns) and knäck (Swe. christmas toffee).

Wifey and I have been very good and not had any sweets since September. We're gonna wait until the day before Christmas Eve.
I have been too tired and wrapped up in breastfeeding/pumping/not getting any sleep to get rid of my pregancy weight. But I thought that eliminating sugar from our diet would be a good first step.
After the Christmas holidays baby J will be about 8 months old, and eat even more solids, not be so dependent on breastmilk and I might be able to eat less and exercise more, without freaking out over it affecting milk supply.
And by the way; don't believe the myth that you will mysteriously lose all your pregnancy weight due to breastfeeding. This might work for some women but it sure didn't work for me!
And let me tell you I breastfed for hours on end. For a period baby J nursed for about 5-7 hrs straight daytime with short breaks.
I couldn't even go grocery shopping with wifey but had to wait in the car, nursing, while she did the shopping.
Instead of losing weight I actually gained weight after pregancy.
Oh well, in a previous life this might have felt disastrous. But all considering, I'm so happy over my baby the weight issue is only a small set back.
2012 will be the year of Lesbo Fitness Mama!
I need to get around to working out anyway. Baby J is getting heavy and I want to be able to carry him around in our Baby Björn without getting back problems.
Other issues concerning Christmas is if I will still be allergic to the Christmas tree now that I'm not pregnant anymore.
We're gonna get a small tree this year. In case we have to throw it out like last year.
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