Once in a while I try to get myself and our unstructured days together and head over to the open preschool with my social son.
There are many open preschools in Stockholm; but only one for Rainbow families. Unfortunately I lost my sense of direction, along with my balance, during pregnancy, so we usually have a hard time locating it. (Also I gained vertigo and can't look out of windows higher up than 3d floor any more, there goes a room w a view...)
The first time we went we counted on the other mothers to be better equipped (e.g. with smart phones). Still we ended up lost and walked around for about an hour before we found the right place. We managed to get there before it closed but missed the big event; baby song.
The second time we headed out in good time to make it to the baby song. I even thought that baby J would have time to eat his lunch before it started. Ha!
We didn't get lost, but it sure was farther off than we remembered.
We actually made it in time for baby song. But as soon as all the babies and mamas got organized in a ring and started singing, baby J needed to nurse. Then he needed to poop. Then he needed to nurse some more. Then baby song was over.
Baby Js love interest, baby F, had better stamina and attention span and participated for about 2 min in the song session. Then she needed to throw up, on her mother, who then needed to clean up herself and baby F. Then she needed to poop (baby F, not her mother). Then baby song was over.
Oh well. Maybe next time.
After all the nursing, pooping and eating, baby J did a very successful solo performance on the baby guitar and rainbow xylophone. Excellent start of a career as a successful musician who can support his old mamas in style come the winter of their lives.
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