Well, hello there. Erradic mama blogger here. The baby is asleep, who knows for how long. He is not a man of routines my little bundle of joy.
He is almost 7 months now. And no, we actually did not return the breast pump. And yes, I am still pumping and nursing.
Though not as feverent as before. Baby J is a very unpredictable nurser, and my milk supply seems very sensitive and needing routines. Plus we have the issue of J being tongue tied. Though partially fixed, I suspect he still has some trouble nursing as efficiently as other babies.
Thus, I'm not giving up the pump after all.
Milk supply has dropped dramaticially since I stopped pumping every 3 hrs around the clock. But there still seems to be enough for baby J to live off of, plus the lunch and evening meals he gets.
I try to get atleast 4-5 hrs of sleep every night, and sometimes it goes up to 6-7 hrs between pumping and nursing sessions.
The reason I want to keep the milk flowing, or rather dribble in my case, is that there are still so many benefits for a baby to get his/hers mother's milk.
Last time we went to the pediatric, for his 6 month's check up, they asked if he still breastfed. As if breastfeeding is to stop after 6 months.
Hello? Have you read the WHO's recommendations?
Breastfeeding is preferable continued to atleast 1 but rather 2 years of age.
Among other things, recent reserach has shown that breastmilk contains stem cells (try to copy that, formula factories!), awesome, right!? And that Swedish children are much more likely to be gluten intolerant due to introducing gluten too soon and ending breastfeeding (which protects against gluten intolerance, and other allergies) too early.
So, no, I'm not done nursing yet.
And besides, both me and baby J love it. Most of the time. When there is something exciting going on, he has no patience for the old boob.
Well, someone is awake over here. Blog you later!
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