Out goes sugar, in comes coffee! My dear old friend. Banned since before trying to concieve and in the first months of breastfeeding. Now a regular guest just to keep alive through the days and semi-nights.
Baby J is a joy but also a handful. I promised many things before actually having a baby. Never let the child watch TV, never be unfocused when the child wants attention (which, by the way, is all waking hours for you non-parents out there), never distract the child when crying, never be online when the child is awake...yadi yadi ha! (For those of you thinking of calling the child protective services I can assure you the little angle is fast asleep as I write this).
Last night was wifey's office christmas party. Baby J thought he'd make a night of it too. He had quite the party going here for about 3 hrs past his bedtime. Then he fell asleep. For 20 mins. And then he started all over again.
Atleast he was happy.
There are a lot of exciting things to do in the middle of the night for a 7 month old; suck on your big toe, tickle yourself, try to rip off your diper, dismantle the household telephone, eat the cell phone, chew on wrapping paper, pinch mama's double chin, refuse to breastfeed, sound like a parrot on crack etc etc etc.
I don't know how we will get through this day. But somehow, with a cup or 5, we might even get some christmas shopping done. But for now, I'm just gonna let him sleep while I stare into space and enjoy the silence.
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