Lately Baby and I have been watching season 7 of So you think you can dance?
Baby must have been inspired by last nights paso doble, I think she's been practicing all night long.
(Shows like this is def. targeting pregnant women with wild hormones. I cry when they audition, I cry when they dance beautifully, I cry when they get a ticket to Vegas, I cry when they get cut. I cry when they exceed expecations, I cry when they fail. It's all very cathartic.)
I'm starting to feel huge. When I turn over in bed, I must do it slowly so my bump will travel with me.
Other than that, we actually have SUN here in Sthlm today. I must go out and get me some, despite of the sleep depravation. I think I might take a walk to look at some baby clothes.
We do have a zillion already, after wifey's older sister gave us 13 boxes. But still, you do want to chose some for yourself. I also want a cute outfit in organic cotton that is absolutely new and that baby will wear on our way home from the hospital. (This is my attempt to create that goal image they talked about in the Profylax class).
Also, just because we are lesbians, we do not need to dress baby in un-matching outfits. It's great to have a bunch of clothes to choose from, but they also need to go together. Lovely pieces can end up being a fashion disaster if used carelessly. Ok, you might not care when it's 3 o clock in the morning and Baby has puked and pooped all over everything. But you know, for washing up and going out (if that ever happens?).
Tonight is the first night of Rainbow parent group. Will be very interesting to see who is there. I think the midwife said we'll be about 14 people. Both me and wifey has gone through our ex-dating lists to make sure we are safe from uncomfortable meetings. Memo to self; just in case; look smashing!
The dress that never made it to Guldbaggengalan, might make an appearance at tonight's Rainbow parent group.
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