Well, add stomach flu, never ending colds and new allergies; the dog and christmas tree had to go, and I am down for the count.
Saw a doctor at my maternity care last night who put me on sickleave all through January. Work is not too happy about it I guess, but I'm almost too tired to care.
Martin Luther is rolling over in his grave. But since I'm a certified CBT therapist I will just have to expose myself to the anxiety of staying home without being hospitalized or dying.
It is weird just being TIRED, and not have anything specifically wrong w you. The doctor I saw yesterday says this happens in pregnancy. They don't know why and there's not much to do except rest and try to get some energy back. He had no other options than sickleave.
I'm gonna put on my own program for getting back on my feet again. I don't do caffeine (except for the amount that's in chocolate), but will cut out other stimulants as well. Such as sugar (the White Poison as my health concious grandfather called it). Of course my Christmas habit of severe chocolate abuse will have to go immediately.
I need lots of FRESH, and preferable organic, vegetables and fruits to get a vitamin boost.
I might splurge on that juice machine, eventhough I will be very poor from being on sickleave.
Baby is happy I'm staying in bed. She is dancing like that Bjork song Violently Happy. She must be practicing jetées. I love her so much, ever more than I love my work ethics. So screw anxiety and Hello Pillow!
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