...the nursing pillow for making my life as a preggo more bearable. I have so far gladly boasted that I, except for fatigue and a depleted immune system, have no pregnancy ailments what so ever.
I am glad I enjoyed that for as long as it lasted!
Enter shoulder pains.
My God, I'm talking PAIN. At first I thought it was sittning infront of the computor at work all day that caused it. (And that might have been the start of it). The bump does make it difficult to reach the keyboard comfortably. Also, our workplace is not exactly known for having ergonomically correct desks and chairs. Non-preggos before me have had aches and pains enough to keep a rehab facility in business.
But now that I've been off work for a couple of days but non the less have the same pains, I have to consider other possible contributors.
Sleeping with the bump is always tricky. I don't know how I got by before wifey bought me the gigantic nursing pillow that is now a steady 3d bed pal. (Yes, air humidifiers, nursing pillows, there's no end to this womans resourcefulness. And no, you can't marry her, she's mine!).
But even with a threesome, sleeping can be difficult. There's nothing left to chose from except alternating between one side or the other. Laying flat on my back, I feel like someone dropped a bowling ball on me. Sleeping on my stomach is a dream so far off it's almost forgotten (though I did make an attempt last night by making nursey into a donought shape and stuck my bump in the middle. That worked for about 30 sek).
I have to consider shoulder pain is also due to me sleeping on my sides. I might fall asleep comfortably supported, but wake up in a painful knot, nursey on the other side of the bed.
Apparently pregnancy makes me move a lot while sleeping.
Oh well, I'm going to get a massage this afternoon to see if it helps. It's a pregnancy massage, and according to reliable sources the greatest benefit is the special pregnancy massage table that allows you to rest on you stomach!
Will let you know if it lived up to it's reputation.
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