The sun is out, Baby has taken as her assignment to strech my uterus and internal organs to the limit and I can again eat sourdough bread without getting nauseous. Thank you Baby! Mama is very happy. When can I enjoy a cup of coffee or tea again?
I haven't blogged for a while. I was at my 32 weeks midwife appointment and my blood pressure was up, there was traces of protein in my urine and I have been quite swollen lately. Also my iron level was lower than ever.
Midwife wanted me to go on sick leave.
I, of course, got terrified of preeclampsia and couldn't sleep all night. Had a headache (also sign of preeclampsia) and painful contractions the next day. Stayed home from work for a day with my feet kept high and watched a bunch of movies and tried not to completely freak out.
Since then I've seen the doctor at the maternity center, but decided not to go on sick leave for now.
Only have 2 more weeks of work.
My blood pressure is higher, but not extremely high. At the most it was 130/90. I've been at 110/60 all through pregnancy thus far. Lately it has been 120-130/80-85.
I've been trying to keep my tempo down, rest a lot and not overexert myself.
The thing is I haven't FELT as exhausted as I used to. I was so shocked at the midwife because, except for the swelling, I had started to actually resemble a normal human being.
Being able to walk at a normal pace, not feel like I'm dead and buried every morning, not being as easily nauseaus etc. I actually thought my iron levels were UP. I actually had some ENERGY again.
Anyho, I talked to the doctor, he said that my body is under pressure from the pregnancy and showing it through higher BP and protein that signals my kidneys are not keeping up. However, it it quite usual for the 3d semester and doesn't have to mean a one way road to preeclampsia.
So I chose to work these last 2 weeks, keep a low tempo and see how I feel day to day. If I don't FEEL well, I will ofcourse stay home.
And I would, of course, never ever want to jeopardize Baby's health. But there seems to be no clear answer as to if my higher blood pressure and my traces of proteins are "normal" for 3d trimester. Or if it is a sign of things going down hill.
Sometimes it's so hard to know what to do...
Also midwife said since we wanted a natural birth she thought I should be on sick leave to rest up for the birthing. She had a valid point I suppose. I wish she would have told us that before the doctors appointment.
Still if Baby is not early, I will have at least 5 weeks off before her due date.
Well, things like this has kept me busy these past weeks.
And practicing hypnobirthing relaxation and resting as much as I can.
At least my BP is not HIGHER. Perhaps it will stay where it is.
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