I have decided that buliding a baby is quite enough of work. I refuse to feel guilty for not having the energy to do other things as well.
It is so nice not to have to stress out about work in the morning and how on earth I am going to survive a whole day behind my desk.
But rather just to know that this weekend is ever lasting.
I am sad though that I missed my friends hen-party last night + this morning. But there is no way Baby and I could have made it out of the sofa.
I'm even too tired to feel isolated. The pillow is enought company for me right now.
Last night Baby and I watched 2012. Baby got super active, I don't think she liked all the noise. I put a pillow over my bump and she calmed down.
I've gotten quite a taste for disaster movies lately.
The other day we watched The Perfect Storm.
I remembered a happy ending, and was quite surprised. Granted, I was hung over when I saw it in a movie theater a zillion years ago. I must have fallen asleep and dreamt about them coming out alive from the storm and making a fortune off of their cargo. Clearly that is not what happens in the movie.
I cried. And imagined the other ending to make myself feel better.
At my last check-up, the midwife asked me where I feel Baby kick the most; high or low in my abdomen. I still feel her everywhere. I wonder if this means she is still turing around in there? Either that, or she has a mean right hook.
Every time the midwife feels her she's been down with her head in my pelvis, but not fixated yet.
I have 2 appointments this week, both with the doctor and with the midwife. It feels good to have check-ups. Especially since we don't want to go the regular route with routine ultrasounds etc.
I feel safe with the "manual" check-ups of my midwife feeling Baby with her hands, listening to her heartbeats and checking her growth curve. Baby is actually a bit over average on the growth curve by now. Good job Baby!
I'm not really worried about Baby. She usually kicks the midwife or wifey in the head when the want to hear her heartbeats. I take that as a sign of excellent health, vigor and integrity.
My mom says I'm so exhausted because I'm building a super-baby. I like the thought of that.
Besides, if Baby would ever be still long enough for me to worry I now know I can just put on 2012 and that will get her going.
I also try to not obsess about preeclampsia. I am now resting and doing what I can to not put more pressure on my body and kidneys. Hopefully rest will get my BP down.
Perhaps I should also stop watching end-of-the-world-movies.
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