The sun is shining, there is no pollen in the air just yet, baby is doing water gymnastics and I just accidently ate half a package of chocolate chip cookies.
Life is good.
But most of my excellent mood is due to a VERY pleasant experience this morning.
We had Rainbow parentgroup again. This time it was at the hospital where we will birth Baby. Ofcourse, wifey and I had already been there, to meet the "but what if you still can't handle the pain" midwife.
Needless to say, my expectations were beyond low.
Well, wasn't I pleasantly surprised! We were greated by a completely different midwife who was actually HEARING us, eventhough this was in a group setting and not at all a forum for individual birthing preferences.
She immediatley understood what kind of birth we wanted, and as a consequence what we were and were not interested in. Hallelujah!
She was attentive, openminded and efficient.
She hooked us up with the phone nr to a midwife they actually have on staff who has delivered all of her 3 babies at home and is passionate about natural child birth.
I'm gonna call her tomorrow. For an extra fee we can "book" her and have her on call for the birth of Baby, which of course would be so worth it!
Wifey and I have considered hiring a doula. But since most doulas we researched seemed so intune with the medical model of childbirth, we were really wondering if it would be helpful, or just another person we'd have to discuss our choices with.
Now, can we get a fully trained MIDWIFE, during our entire birthing expericence who's passionate about natural childbirth then HALLELUJAH again!
How amazing!
There def. is a God, and she is def. on Baby's side.
The midwife we met this morning also made sure the oral Vitamin K we had requested when we had our "fear of delivery" scheduled talk, was ordered and kept for us. Apparently the EDA-eager midwife from our prior talk had done nothing about it.
Our parent group midwife also seemed to understand what we needed to do to keep my exposure to birch pollen at a minimum and seemed to take my allergies and astma seriously.
I almost wept of gratitude.
She also said that none of the things we requested were anything but really common sense, but that we needed to be clear and remind the staff before coming in to birth Baby.
Well, all in all it seems like there is hope of actually getting supported, and not just questioned, in our wish to birth Baby calmly, safely and with as little intervention as possible.
I think I'm gonna celebrate with a nap in the sun!
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