... I AM exhausted. Again. And so swollen I can barely grip things in the morning. My hands feel like waterballoons.
All I really want to do is go lay down w my feet up.
I might accept that sick leave that midwife and the maternity doctor wanted me to go on.
Baby seems to be doing fine. Last night I dreamed I had an ultrasound (with a device that looked like my astma spray inhalor) and that she was a boy.
My first thought was; oh no! What am I going to do with all those cute dresses? Will ofcourse love Baby madly and unconditionally even if she is a he, or something inbetween.
Wifey tried to listen to Baby's heartbeat this morning. She kicked wifey in the head instead. Apparently she wanted to sleep in and not be bothered. That's my girl!
BTW with swelling comes another problem; eventhough I haven't exactly kept fit this pregnancy (I'm glad I pretty much kept alive) I never had any problems being limber. Now with all the swelling I'm more like a peg-legged pirate.
I have no idea how these swollen and stiff joints of mine will ever muster something similar to squatting in childbirth. (Squatting expands the pelvis w 28% and is a preferable birthing position).
Oh well, am sure Baby will get out one way or the other.
Now me and my sausage-like fingers are late for work.
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