tisdag 31 augusti 2010

Let the craziness begin!

I came home from my last day of work before my vacation starts. (Tomorrow we have a conference, so that really doesn't count as working).
I laid down on my sofa, opened the window to let some fresh air in. All of the sudden my appartment was buzzing with wasps.
I totally paniced, ran to the bathroom, locked myself in, put a towel against the opening on the bottom of the door and a piece of toilet paper in the keyhole. In case they were after me and wanted to get in!

Does that sound normal to you?

I then called wifey about a zillion times to ask when she was getting home to save me. She didn't answer.
However, a collegue from work rang and I told her the above. She recomended I get a weapon, e.g. hairspray and a towel, and faced my fear.
I asked her (she's a doctor) if you can act this crazy when you're pregnant. She said you can.

My anxiety sank a bit and I made it out of the bathroom. I successfully nuked 2 wasps before I ran out of hairspray. (I now have hairspray on most of my furniture and curtains). I still have a wasp semi-sprayed in my hall lamp, making the odd buzz sound.
I'm hunkering down in my sofa, one eye wildly fixed on the lamp.

Seems like I have developed a phobia for wasps. Or I'm just over worked, exhausted from the wedding planning, the IUI, pregnancy and now on top of it all; a stubborn cold. If that wasp would just be so kind as to die, I could get back to my napping.

Also just realized that being pregnant gives you a free pass for all kinds of crazy behavior. One should def. be pregnant more often.

måndag 30 augusti 2010


... is probably my strongest feeling right now. And shock. I can't really grasp that I'm pregnant. Am I really? And am I really going to be allowed to keep this baby?
The disbelief is protecting me from starting to obsess about a possible misscarriage.

But somehow the getting pregnant part always felt like the hardest piece of the puzzel. Quite miraculous actually. Conception is always a miracle, of course. But conception after importing frozen sperm from another country, time your ovulation, listen to your body, listen to the midwives and reading books all saying different things and deciding what to trust; then travle to a third country, defrost the little swimmers and actually have a conception take place? Does it sound do-able to you?

So now that I -unbelievably enough - somehow AM pregnant I just have a feeling our tiny fetus is an Amazone and will stay with us.

The night before Sunday I dreamed I got two positive pregnancy tests. Then I woke up. I'm afraid I still might do that. Wake up. And find it was all just a dream.

The plan now is just to get married, get on the plane to our honeymoon destination and relax in the sun and let it slowly, slowly sink in.

According to my google search Klumpis (as me and wifey call her) is now somewhere between the size of a sesame seed and a grain of rice. Her tiny heart beats approx. 200 beats per minute. She is all heart. Our little heart.

She is also very picky when it comes to her diet. I already discovered she likes proper food and has a strong distaste for candy, cakes or anything sugary. I had to try the wedding cake yesterday and felt like I was motionsick afterwards. Klumpis does NOT want sugar. She does want sushi.
Next she will want to go shopping in NYC, or she'll make me motionsick again.
I run it by wifey to see what she thinks...

söndag 29 augusti 2010

Sunday the 29th of August 2010, 6.30 in the morning...

...and we're up again doing stick tricks.
I'm gonna let the picture speak for itself. Or help those of you foreign to sticks by 3 words; WE.ARE.PREGNANT!!!


lördag 28 augusti 2010

I awoke at 5.30...

...and discovered I'm bleeding. F--K!!! Or F-N!!! as we say in Swedish.
Not that I was hoping (but really, you know I was).
This bleeding could be my period. If you wanna go wild with it, you can imagine it's a so called nidation bleeding. Or that I'm one of the milli-percent of women who bleed through pregnancy. (They apparently exist. I've read about them on a not-so-high-quality site called Familjeliv).
I think it's just my period.
Perhaps the egg brushed by my uterus lining, causing the pos pregnancy test before deciding to make it's exit. Perhaps there was something wrong with the test.

Wifey has a friend who got her child via IVF, and she had a bleeding the day of her expected period. I thought my day of expected period was yesterday. But I don't know anything anymore.
Who's to know? Who's to tell? And even though I have tried so hard not to get sucked into this and start obsessing again; how can I help not to?

At least I have no cramps yet. But perhaps my body has shifted from having cramps during my period to having cramps all through the month except for my period?
I don't know how to read my body anymore.
"I try to read your portrait, but I'm helpless as a rich man's child". - Bob Dylan

fredag 27 augusti 2010

Friday morning...

...and as planned we took the pregnancy test.
I visualized the large caffe latte I was going to get on my way to work as soon as the test showed a negative result.
When the time was up I let wifey look at the test first. She hovered over it for a long, long time and I thought she was trying to read in a second line that just wasn't there.
But it was.
It was faint, it was almost undetectable but it was there.

So no coffee for me.
But maybe a baby.

We are going to re-do the test in 2 days for a more certain result.
Atleast there are no signs of my period yet.
I don't want to get my hopes up. My heart is still sore from the last crash. But I have a tiny, tiny...wish, more than a hope now. A whisper of a prayer;
stay with me my baby, you are the fairest of my seasons.


onsdag 25 augusti 2010

Two more days...

..until I most likely will find out I'm not pregnant by mother nature. I have, however, convinced wifey we should take a pegnancy-test Friday morning. Not wait until Sunday as we first planned.
I'm not a patient person by nature, but this waiting has been torture beyond imagination.
I think my living-in-denial strategy is working so-so. I DO have a bunch of weird symptomes.
The most persistent at the moment is a sort of pulling, strechy feeling in my uterus area. Like I've pulled a core muscle. I can guarantee you I haven't done any sit ups in ages so that's not it.

I'm still going strong staying off sugar. I decided last week (after I spent about all of it in tears, the crescendo being the wedding-dress hysteria) to stay off sugar to see it that would help me feel less like a human rollercoaster.

I'm not sure it made any difference, besides being able to walk through the candy section in the store without considering getting chocolate.

However, I also decided sushi, green tea and pineapple is a free for all. Especially with my delicate mental state. This means I've had sushi 3 times this week already. 5if you count the past weekend. Ok, that's like everyday. Don't tell wifey, she thinks too much sushi gives you mercury poisoning.

If I'm pregnant, our baby is going to come out looking like a maki.

By the way, also picked up the Dress today. Manage to get it through lokal traffic in rush hour without it getting crushed. Now it takes up half my appartment. I have a small appartment. But now also a huge Dress.
Reminds me of that time I got a Christmas tree so big my brother had to sleep under it when he came to stay with me.

tisdag 24 augusti 2010

Time goes by so slowly...

I'm all willpower by now. NO pregancy tests and NO sugar. On Friday I will probably get my period. If I don't we've decided to wait until Sunday to take a pregnancy test. Concidering we took three last time, we're gonna try to stick to ONE this time. I'm so certain I'm not pregnant I just want to get it over with.
I have, ofcourse, had my share of symptomes. But since it didn't mean anything last time, I'm trying to ignore them.
It's probably just PMS. For the past 2 weeks.
I'm keeping busy by doing huge amounts of laundry tonight. I think I've pretty soon washed everything I've ever owned. Including carpets.


söndag 22 augusti 2010


So far I've been a fairly levelheaded bride-to-be. I've kept my inner Bridezilla at bay, not even really believing in her existence.

I bought a nice, marine dress for a very good price. I was open to all options to make our wedding a low-budget affair. I settled for a nice, plain ring (despite madly falling inlove with a designer ring w a ruby heart). I kept my focus on the right and proper things; save money to be able to go to Denmark as many times as possible to make our baby dream come true.

I awoke screaming from a nightmare at 6 o clock Saturday morning and had a total breakdown.
Since WHEN have I EVER imagined getting married in a dark blue, plain dress???
Was I going to a funeral or a wedding?
I was inconsolable and called wifey crying hysterically. Unfortunately my breakdown coincided with wifey's hen-party. Happy hen-party Honey! Let me just keep you on the phone for 5 more minutes while I have another panic attack.
To my defence I must say that I had nothing what so ever to do w the planning of putting wifeys hen-party 2 weeks before our wedding. Ok, that's not much of a defence. I rest my case. (And yes, this woman still wants to marry me. She's a walking miracle).

After crying myself blind for another 2 hrs I realized that what I wanted, what I needed was a REAL wedding dress.
Not a nice dress that you can also use at parties. Not a sensible option that makes your bankaccount happy and your inner glamour girl crawl away and die.
I needed a Dress, and I needed it Now.

I went on a dress hunt with my poor mother who'd come to town to help me sort out other things before the wedding.
But this was Dress Emergency, pull out the sirens!

In the first store the (very typically Swedish) staff looked very depressed and troubled when I said my wedding was just 2 weeks away. They then asked me to take a look around on my own. All the dresses where covered in plastics so you couldn't really see them. The younger of the sales women timidly showed me a jacket. Ok.

The second store had women my age from (apparently) another cultural origin. They immediatly understood we had a dress emergency on our hands. I told them I woke up crying and they said; "you need a dress! Even those who think they don't want a wedding dress need one! We had a woman yesterday morning who was getting married that same afternoon, and we found her a dress!"

They pulled out dresses they thought I would look good in, but not too many options either, since bridezilla nerves are tender and needn't be confused by too many options.
After a couple of hours I settled on a dress I never could imagine I would have wanted if I saw it in a picture, but now can't imagine living without. I shed a tear.

I called wifey crying, again, and asked her if it was OK to spend more than our entire budget on a dress. She said as long as it made me stop crying all was fine.

This morning I woke up at 8.30. The first thing on my mind was my Dress. I was smiling.


fredag 20 augusti 2010


... he flexes like a whore, falls swanking to the floor" (David Bowie).

Time moves slow, fast, slow, fast, fast, like some ballroom dance I never learned the proper steps to.

Wedding planning takes up most of our spare time. I have semi-successfully managed to ignore that we even tried a second time. It's still over a week until we know anything for sure. I'm not gonna take any pregnancy tests pre-time.
I'm just gonna wait.
It's you and me Time.
Show me what you got.


söndag 15 augusti 2010

2nd try...

After debating back and forth with wifey the pros and cons of having another go at insemination (the pro of a possible baby outweighing all the cons like being utterly depressed at our wedding day if it doesn't work, cramping, stress and anxiety) the stick decided for us.
All of the sudden it was grinning at me at 6.30 at night. Despite even having midpain throughout the day; I was totally unprepared.

Enter panic. Again.

No matter how much charting, planning, looking at planes, trains and hotels a week beforehand, I always enter a state of shock when the stick smiles.
I called wifey at work, who was luckily just wrapping it up. She came home and we decided to take the car to Copenhagen (being the cheapest and most flexible alternative).

An hour later we were on the road.

We couldn't reach the clinic on the phone until next morning. But thought the closer we were to them, the better. I could never shake the feeling we were too late last time, in spite of all the extatic midwives. To follow their recommendations as to timing once again and end up with the Finnish test stick was not an option.

Apparently there are different ideas as to timing. Some clinics recommend you inseminate as soon as you have a pos. test. The theory is that the little sperms will be hanging out, waiting for the egg to be released. Some, like the one we use, recommend timing it as closely to the actual ovulation as possible.
The thing is that no one really knows for sure. Not much research has been done on women as a whole, of the research that has been done on IUI the women have been straight and having fertility problems.
When it comes to fertile lesbians wanting a baby, everyone seem to be pretty much in the dark. No one knows and no one cares.
Like my friend said with a mockingly surprised tone of voice;" it's almost like they don't WANT same sex couples to start families!"
Yeah, imagine that...

Anyho, oblivious to the human rights aspect of this whole ordeal, wifey and I was well on our way to another country to make our dream come true. I was in charge of the music. But due to putting my entire record collection on a hard drive and storing the actual cd's (who said that would make my life easier?) we ended up w an odd collection of Johnny Cash, early (and depressing) Dolly Parton and the odd christmas album. AND the soundtrack to Beaches. My show tune loving darling sang through the entire record at least twice. (I'm SO gonna marry that woman!)

We arrived in Malmö at 3 o clock at night and checked in at the Comfort Hotel. Don't let the name fool you. But they did have clean sheets and something that resembled a bathroom, and at 3 o clock at night after 7 hrs in a car you don't really care anymore.
We went to bed, and I continued to wake up every hour to check what time it was, afraid to oversleep.
At 7.30 we gave up and headed for the breakfast buffét. Not much comfort there either. We called the clinic and got an appointment at 10.00.
I was later obsessing about us not getting to talk to a proper midwife but a secretary when scheduling the appointment. But trusting and optimistic wifey said they most certainly would tell us if our timing was off.
I tried to trust wifey, even though I had a hard time trusting the clinic, the entire process and when to think of it life in general and mankind as a whole.

We drove into Copenhagen on a cloudy morning. Waited in the waiting room of the clinic and talked nervously about God knows what. Our midwife showed up and it was virgin-midwife from post no 1. She was nice but not as emotional and warm as our previous one.
Also I felt a bit depressed during the whole procedure. It didn't work last time, why would it work this time?

The midwife didn't talk through the process, like the first one had done. I was staring at the roses in the ceiling, wifey was talking to me but I couldn't hear what she was saying. It stressed me out. I saw her lips moving but couldn't make out the words. The process hurt, I was apparently not ovulating yet and the cervix was not yet open. I just wanted to get it over with. There was no sun shining through the windows, the skies over Copenhagen were dark. I couldn't feel any movement, energy or beginning of new life inside me. It just hurt and I wanted to cry.
Afterwards me and wifey got to lay and rest together for a while. I felt sad. We talked about the planning. I was upset they didn't help us more, listen to us and gave us information but still let us make our own decision.

We asked to talk to the midwife again.
She strongly recommended not to do a double insemination. We talked about doing it beforehand, but it requires a pos. test in the morning so you can inseminate the same day and then 24 hrs later.
By having the pos test in the evening, that option was out.
She said the sperms was remarkably good quality (THANK YOU donor Bob!), even uncountable. And that they usually live longer than 24 hrs. 24 hrs being a bare minimum they can guarantee.
I felt a bit better.
If we didn't end up pregnant this time, she recommended we tried the hormone shot to have better control over ovulation. We'll see about that. I'm not happy making this process more artificial and medical than need be.

When we left the clinic the sun came out. Wifey asked me how I felt. I said I felt nothing from the neck down. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
I'm not gonna give in to bodily sensations this time and get carried away! I'm pretty convinced we didn't conceive this time either. But if we don't try, we most certainly won't.
I still feel heartbroken from the last time and don't want to go through that disappointment again.


tisdag 10 augusti 2010

I'm back in town, and so are the sticks.

I'm back in town after a weekend of wedding planning in various places in the country. And last night it was time to start the stick-tricks again. So far so good, nothing is malfunctioning. Now we're just gonna keep our sticks crossed we'll get a positive test this weekend.

As for wedding planning, I'm still in my baby-bubble, or rather my ovulation-bubble and have a difficult time focusing on other things. However, planning the wedding ceremony made the actual wedding seem real.

We have a minister doing the wedding. And there's a lot of beautiful passages in the bible. But the bible has also been translated, interpreted and revised by a bunch of old men about 2000 yrs ago. The "created to man and woman" has got to go. The minister said it's really a mistranslation; it refers to the diversion within mankind, not to gender or sex as such.
Oh well.
The passage adapted for women by the Swedish Church is that of Ruth and Naomi. It's a beautiful text, but the context is not that of two lovers but of a mother- and daughter-in-law. Also Naomi (the mother-in-law) makes Ruth go to bed with a man, which she does out of obedience. Was Naomi also a pimp? If wifey ever tells me to go to bed with a man, I'm getting a divorce!
The minister said the text needs to be interpreted out of context; as a vow. But I can't shake the context. We'll see if we can find a compromise. I, however, like the painting of Ruth and Naomi I attached above. In MY interpretation (the word of the weekend)Naomi is holding Ruth, and some servant is standing in the background. But actually, I think it's meant to be a man holding Ruth and her pimpy mother-in-law lurking in the background. But it's all open to interpretation people.

"But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried... nothing but death separates you and me."

fredag 6 augusti 2010

I was trying to cheer myself up...

... by logging into the rainbow family network. I was browsing, looking to read some posts about successful inseminations.
Found one of a woman who had inseminated on the same day she got a pos. ovulation test.
She thought she'd done it too soon and wouldn't get pregnant. A later post showed that it had worked out and she was indeed pregnant.
So far, I considered myself cheered up.

I (perhaps wrongly so) suspect we inseminated too late our first try. That my body (or my panic) told me to jump on the first plane to Copehagen as soon as the stick grinned at me, and that we should have listened.
Also, wifey has a friend who lied to her clinic to get to inseminate the same day she got a pos. test. (She told the clinic the test was pos. the day before). And now she has a cute little boy as a result.

Well, bingo! Two people who's inseminated "early" and gotten results.

In good spirits I read on.
I shouldn't have.

The poor woman ended up with a misscarriage. Still in pain she turned to the hospital and it came to show she had misscarried one of her TWIN fetuses. The other little fetus was stuck in her fallopian tube, she could see it's tiny heart beating on the ultra sound.
She got sent home w the choice of either surgery; which might damage her for life and make her unable to carry any more babies, or to try by chemotherapy to kill it off and let nature do the rest as a second misscarriage.

But, we're not done yet.
While at home, her ovary/fallopian tube ruptured and she was taken for emergency surgery to the hospital and almost died of internal bleeding.
Also, she was single.

I sat in front of the computor unable to move.
Oh. My. God.
Called wifey, who was still at work and very busy. I started crying on the phone. Poor wifey, I'm not even pregnant yet and still act nuts every other day.

Poor unknown-internet-woman who had to go through all that horror, and all alone.

Poor me who seem to have gotten stuck in PMS mode and am unable to function on a rational level for more than 5 min at a time.

It's def. time to go out to our country house, lay on the bridge and watch the water lilies grow. This baby business has been more nerve wrecking than I ever could have imagine. How on earth have we ever survived as a species?

torsdag 5 augusti 2010

I'm a free woman...

...for another couple of days.
No stick tricks, no ovulation to keep track of, no phantom symptoms of imaginary babies, I'm free to roam the planet as I choose, coffee in one hand,champagne in the other. I can do as many sit-ups, twists and plough positions as I please.

BUT, I still have a wedding to plan.
I'll sleep when I'm dead. Or hopefully, on the honeymoon.
I'm so exhausted, if I hadn't had 3 pregnancy tests and a period to tell me otherwise, I would assume I was pregnant.

We're not having a traditional wedding, or perhaps we are. Who knows what's traditional now a days. My mom says we need a Toast Master. But the word makes me break out in mental hives. Perhaps we can have a hostess or two, or three, instead?

The only thing planned so far is the guest list,atleast kind of.
As for the rest I'm thinking pink flamingoes, karaoke, zorba and chocolate cake. And loads of champagne. We'll see what wifey thinks about my random planning when she's back in town.

Only one of the elderly guest has declined our invitation due to homophobia/dementia. (Dictionary ; dementia - taken from Latin, originally meaning "madness", from de- "without" + ment, the root of mens "mind", is a serious loss of cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person.
Dictionary; homophobia - taken from Latin, orignially meaning "madness", is a serious loss of cognitive ability in a previously unimpaired person).

I tend to forget just a year and a half ago I wouldn't have been able to marry wifey in this country. I remember joking with a gay friend about not needing the gay marriage since we didn't have anyone to marry anyho.

And I think of how wifey and I live in our little bubble of friends, co-workers and love. And how sometimes lightning strikes and you realise that people find our love offensive and disturbing.
And in another place, not even in another time but in august 2010, we would be persecuted, tortured, gang raped and executed.
Because of our love.
Because it offends people that when I look into her eyes I find myself and everything else loses it's meaning.
Because it's disturbing to other people that she is the home of my heart.


tisdag 3 augusti 2010

New Game Plan

Our first attempt at IUI did not work. Did for a while feel a bit cheated by all the extatic midwives. I cried, I had a huge caffé latte and ate coffee ice cream. I acted crazy and freaked out over the possibility that my body is infertile no matter what all the testresults said.
But am now back to my senses.
It's my body and I need to be more assertive if we're gonna end up pregnant. Crying and eating ice cream won't help.

New game plan is lots of sleep, exercise, healthy eating and no stress.

Work is usually very hectic and have been stressful all spring. The IUI plans and wedding preparations on top of that has left my head spinning.
I have slept badly for a very long time, and especially before the IUI. For those of you who know me by my US-nick name Sleeping Beauty know that sleeping heavy and long is one of my greatest talents.
I need to get back to the basics. Try to get my body in balance. Try to get myself calm, centered and feeling in control.
I trusted the midwives, and it didn't work. This time I'm going to trust myself and my body and see if we can't get it to work.
I know our baby is waiting for us. Now mama's gonna fight for her.

(And God help us if we succeed and our donor looks like Sly...).

måndag 2 augusti 2010

Baby love, oh my baby love... break my heart and leave me sad...

Am definitely NOT pregnant.

söndag 1 augusti 2010

Ei Raskaana! (or maybe I am...?)

After a totally unsuspected and amazing hen-party Friday night(friends, champagne, spa, massage and fancy dinner), wifey and I got up at 5 on Saturday morning to take a pregnancy test.
It was THE day; the day expected to be cycle day ONE, the day of my period or of the first revelation of our baby. The test said NOT PREGNANT (Inte gravid/ Ei raskaana). In Swedish AND Finnish. Just in case you would get confused. (They didn't have pics online of this technical marvel).

Yesterday became a day of tears, frustration, too little sleep and too much resentment, not to say bitterness, on my part. Is this how it's going to be every IUI?
I'm not a person to ever have PMS, if I have cramps I have them the first day and usually not very bad. I've been a wreck and in pain at least a week on and off after the IUI. And the end result is a little stick telling me in a Finnish I'm not pregnant.

My mother is convince the "99% certainty" test is wrong; she said; What about the other one percent?
Wifey was in tears, but is now back to her optimistic self and says as long as I don't get my period we still have a chance.

No Sunday, bloody Sunday yet. I feel slight nauseous. But I trust the Swe/Fin stick too much to have any hope.