..until I most likely will find out I'm not pregnant by mother nature. I have, however, convinced wifey we should take a pegnancy-test Friday morning. Not wait until Sunday as we first planned.
I'm not a patient person by nature, but this waiting has been torture beyond imagination.
I think my living-in-denial strategy is working so-so. I DO have a bunch of weird symptomes.
The most persistent at the moment is a sort of pulling, strechy feeling in my uterus area. Like I've pulled a core muscle. I can guarantee you I haven't done any sit ups in ages so that's not it.
I'm still going strong staying off sugar. I decided last week (after I spent about all of it in tears, the crescendo being the wedding-dress hysteria) to stay off sugar to see it that would help me feel less like a human rollercoaster.
I'm not sure it made any difference, besides being able to walk through the candy section in the store without considering getting chocolate.
However, I also decided sushi, green tea and pineapple is a free for all. Especially with my delicate mental state. This means I've had sushi 3 times this week already. 5if you count the past weekend. Ok, that's like everyday. Don't tell wifey, she thinks too much sushi gives you mercury poisoning.
If I'm pregnant, our baby is going to come out looking like a maki.
By the way, also picked up the Dress today. Manage to get it through lokal traffic in rush hour without it getting crushed. Now it takes up half my appartment. I have a small appartment. But now also a huge Dress.
Reminds me of that time I got a Christmas tree so big my brother had to sleep under it when he came to stay with me.
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