I'm back in town after a weekend of wedding planning in various places in the country. And last night it was time to start the stick-tricks again. So far so good, nothing is malfunctioning. Now we're just gonna keep our sticks crossed we'll get a positive test this weekend.
As for wedding planning, I'm still in my baby-bubble, or rather my ovulation-bubble and have a difficult time focusing on other things. However, planning the wedding ceremony made the actual wedding seem real.
We have a minister doing the wedding. And there's a lot of beautiful passages in the bible. But the bible has also been translated, interpreted and revised by a bunch of old men about 2000 yrs ago. The "created to man and woman" has got to go. The minister said it's really a mistranslation; it refers to the diversion within mankind, not to gender or sex as such.
Oh well.
The passage adapted for women by the Swedish Church is that of Ruth and Naomi. It's a beautiful text, but the context is not that of two lovers but of a mother- and daughter-in-law. Also Naomi (the mother-in-law) makes Ruth go to bed with a man, which she does out of obedience. Was Naomi also a pimp? If wifey ever tells me to go to bed with a man, I'm getting a divorce!
The minister said the text needs to be interpreted out of context; as a vow. But I can't shake the context. We'll see if we can find a compromise. I, however, like the painting of Ruth and Naomi I attached above. In MY interpretation (the word of the weekend)Naomi is holding Ruth, and some servant is standing in the background. But actually, I think it's meant to be a man holding Ruth and her pimpy mother-in-law lurking in the background. But it's all open to interpretation people.
"But Ruth replied, "Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried... nothing but death separates you and me."
Where you go, I am always by your side. Where you will stay, I have already made a bed for us. Your people is already my people, and you God is already my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. Nothing but death - if even that - separates us.