...and as planned we took the pregnancy test.
I visualized the large caffe latte I was going to get on my way to work as soon as the test showed a negative result.
When the time was up I let wifey look at the test first. She hovered over it for a long, long time and I thought she was trying to read in a second line that just wasn't there.
But it was.
It was faint, it was almost undetectable but it was there.
So no coffee for me.
But maybe a baby.
We are going to re-do the test in 2 days for a more certain result.
Atleast there are no signs of my period yet.
I don't want to get my hopes up. My heart is still sore from the last crash. But I have a tiny, tiny...wish, more than a hope now. A whisper of a prayer;
stay with me my baby, you are the fairest of my seasons.
Milda Matilda, vilken grej!!!! det är ju ingen tvekan alls om det där resultatet!