So far I've been a fairly levelheaded bride-to-be. I've kept my inner Bridezilla at bay, not even really believing in her existence.
I bought a nice, marine dress for a very good price. I was open to all options to make our wedding a low-budget affair. I settled for a nice, plain ring (despite madly falling inlove with a designer ring w a ruby heart). I kept my focus on the right and proper things; save money to be able to go to Denmark as many times as possible to make our baby dream come true.
I awoke screaming from a nightmare at 6 o clock Saturday morning and had a total breakdown.
Since WHEN have I EVER imagined getting married in a dark blue, plain dress???
Was I going to a funeral or a wedding?
I was inconsolable and called wifey crying hysterically. Unfortunately my breakdown coincided with wifey's hen-party. Happy hen-party Honey! Let me just keep you on the phone for 5 more minutes while I have another panic attack.
To my defence I must say that I had nothing what so ever to do w the planning of putting wifeys hen-party 2 weeks before our wedding. Ok, that's not much of a defence. I rest my case. (And yes, this woman still wants to marry me. She's a walking miracle).
After crying myself blind for another 2 hrs I realized that what I wanted, what I needed was a REAL wedding dress.
Not a nice dress that you can also use at parties. Not a sensible option that makes your bankaccount happy and your inner glamour girl crawl away and die.
I needed a Dress, and I needed it Now.
I went on a dress hunt with my poor mother who'd come to town to help me sort out other things before the wedding.
But this was Dress Emergency, pull out the sirens!
In the first store the (very typically Swedish) staff looked very depressed and troubled when I said my wedding was just 2 weeks away. They then asked me to take a look around on my own. All the dresses where covered in plastics so you couldn't really see them. The younger of the sales women timidly showed me a jacket. Ok.
The second store had women my age from (apparently) another cultural origin. They immediatly understood we had a dress emergency on our hands. I told them I woke up crying and they said; "you need a dress! Even those who think they don't want a wedding dress need one! We had a woman yesterday morning who was getting married that same afternoon, and we found her a dress!"
They pulled out dresses they thought I would look good in, but not too many options either, since bridezilla nerves are tender and needn't be confused by too many options.
After a couple of hours I settled on a dress I never could imagine I would have wanted if I saw it in a picture, but now can't imagine living without. I shed a tear.
I called wifey crying, again, and asked her if it was OK to spend more than our entire budget on a dress. She said as long as it made me stop crying all was fine.
This morning I woke up at 8.30. The first thing on my mind was my Dress. I was smiling.
Just for the record - I did NOT say "as long as it makes you stop crying". What I DID say was, I want you to do whatever makes you happy. World of difference.