...and discovered I'm bleeding. F--K!!! Or F-N!!! as we say in Swedish.
Not that I was hoping (but really, you know I was).
This bleeding could be my period. If you wanna go wild with it, you can imagine it's a so called nidation bleeding. Or that I'm one of the milli-percent of women who bleed through pregnancy. (They apparently exist. I've read about them on a not-so-high-quality site called Familjeliv).
I think it's just my period.
Perhaps the egg brushed by my uterus lining, causing the pos pregnancy test before deciding to make it's exit. Perhaps there was something wrong with the test.
Wifey has a friend who got her child via IVF, and she had a bleeding the day of her expected period. I thought my day of expected period was yesterday. But I don't know anything anymore.
Who's to know? Who's to tell? And even though I have tried so hard not to get sucked into this and start obsessing again; how can I help not to?
At least I have no cramps yet. But perhaps my body has shifted from having cramps during my period to having cramps all through the month except for my period?
I don't know how to read my body anymore.
"I try to read your portrait, but I'm helpless as a rich man's child". - Bob Dylan
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