lördag 9 april 2011

Week 37

We have now officially entered week 37. By the end of this week Baby will no longer be considered pre-term if she wants to arrive.

All my body is telling me to do is sleep and eat. So I do.

At the midwife's last week my blood pressure was higher, again. Despite of being on sick leave. Wifey and I did have a stressful week end and week. I slept badly for 2 days prior and forced myself to go to our last parent training class, despite of being so tired I was in tears.
I shouldn't have, I know.
But it is so hard to just let go of one's personality just because you're pregnant. I'm so used to keep on pushing myself, even when I'm exhausted.
Usually it works. But when pregnant, it doesn't.
So hopefully, it was what my body reacted to with the higher blood pressure. Now I'm put on bed rest until Monday and our next appointment.

If I get a headache or pain in my upper abdomen; I'm to go in to the hospital straight away so they can check my liver, kidneys, blood pressure, protein etc for pre-eclampsia.

The only headache I've felt is due to allergies I think. And the only pain in my abdomen is when I sit a certain way and (what I think is) Baby's bony little bottom (or knees) is poking my ribs.

Anyho, Baby is growing perfectly and is now above average (but within normal) on the curve. I am very happy about this since it means she's getting all the nutrition and oxygen she needs, despite of her birth mamas fatigue.

I might be crazy, but I have no fear what so ever of birthing a big baby. I must thank Ina May Gaskin's book on childbirth for this.

My iron levels were slightly up, eventhough my digestive system can't handle eating iron supplements every day. So, except for the blood pressure, everything seems to be moving in the right direction.

Baby thinks she is Houdini and is practicing what seems to be a promising career in escapologism. However, my body is still big enough for both of us and for her new career move, so I'm not going to complain.

I love carrying her under my heart. And the best part of her still being inside me is that I get to sleep for long periods of time and that I don't have to worry about her being fed, warm and comfortable.

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