tisdag 31 augusti 2010

Let the craziness begin!

I came home from my last day of work before my vacation starts. (Tomorrow we have a conference, so that really doesn't count as working).
I laid down on my sofa, opened the window to let some fresh air in. All of the sudden my appartment was buzzing with wasps.
I totally paniced, ran to the bathroom, locked myself in, put a towel against the opening on the bottom of the door and a piece of toilet paper in the keyhole. In case they were after me and wanted to get in!

Does that sound normal to you?

I then called wifey about a zillion times to ask when she was getting home to save me. She didn't answer.
However, a collegue from work rang and I told her the above. She recomended I get a weapon, e.g. hairspray and a towel, and faced my fear.
I asked her (she's a doctor) if you can act this crazy when you're pregnant. She said you can.

My anxiety sank a bit and I made it out of the bathroom. I successfully nuked 2 wasps before I ran out of hairspray. (I now have hairspray on most of my furniture and curtains). I still have a wasp semi-sprayed in my hall lamp, making the odd buzz sound.
I'm hunkering down in my sofa, one eye wildly fixed on the lamp.

Seems like I have developed a phobia for wasps. Or I'm just over worked, exhausted from the wedding planning, the IUI, pregnancy and now on top of it all; a stubborn cold. If that wasp would just be so kind as to die, I could get back to my napping.

Also just realized that being pregnant gives you a free pass for all kinds of crazy behavior. One should def. be pregnant more often.

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